Qaseh - 5 months
Qaseh - 8 months
Qaseh - 4 months
Qaseh - 4 Years
Qaseh - 3 months
Now on ai tgh mood for vacation with my colleages.. K.Ain, K.Zana n her sister, K.Faridah n her dotter.. we will be leaving on 19th june untill 23rd of june..
but all out of sudden came to me last 4 days... i've got a letter from Ministry that i am spotted to have a meeting in KL from 15th june until 19th of june and stay at Federal Hotel for a week.. What a trouble to me!!
It will take a long time frame for me and definitely I'm gonna miss my little chicky princess.. Huhu, what a sad story!!
:-( i'll be missing my Qaseh cinta hati ini for nearly 2 weeks.. a very hard for me.. And i know this really make me feel sad n sick..
Being a mom is so different challenged compared when u are in a Single mode.. You have to consider in many things, think 'bout hubby dearie n little kids.. and the most part that i can't face is being a part from my gegirl.. berjauhan dgn si puteri adalah hari2 yg paling sukar utk dihadapi.. ke mana saja pergi, mata, mulut, ciuman, tgnnye yg slalu belai (trying to console me), gelak tawa n evrything always in my eyes.
Qaseh Daania... my laughter, my day n my blossom!!
I wish dengan tempoh ini, ai kuat dan tabah. Hmmm.. Ai tahu, semua ibu di luar sana akan mengalami perasaan seperti ini bile d condition comes.. semua mummy serupa.. kecuali mummies yg dera anak, buang anak dn bunuh anak (x termasuk dlm senarai ibu mithali).. nauzubillahuminzalik.
~ salam ~
Being a mom is so different challenged compared when u are in a Single mode.. You have to consider in many things, think 'bout hubby dearie n little kids.. and the most part that i can't face is being a part from my gegirl.. berjauhan dgn si puteri adalah hari2 yg paling sukar utk dihadapi.. ke mana saja pergi, mata, mulut, ciuman, tgnnye yg slalu belai (trying to console me), gelak tawa n evrything always in my eyes.
Qaseh Daania... my laughter, my day n my blossom!!
I wish dengan tempoh ini, ai kuat dan tabah. Hmmm.. Ai tahu, semua ibu di luar sana akan mengalami perasaan seperti ini bile d condition comes.. semua mummy serupa.. kecuali mummies yg dera anak, buang anak dn bunuh anak (x termasuk dlm senarai ibu mithali).. nauzubillahuminzalik.
~ salam ~