Monday, January 25, 2010

H.a.p.p.y. N.e.w. Y.e.a.r 2010!!!


Happy new year 2010 to all my frens...its been a long2 time i didn't post any story / news / activities.. and dis is my first time i insist to write again in my blog...

For information, now im 8 months preggy which is 32 weeks i already carry my small tiny baby..i'allah im expected to deliver a baby boy!! yehaaaa!! and i'allah i got another 6 weeks to go to be free!!! hehehe....

Well, for this sem i have to teach 4 module, 2 of them are my old subject and another 2 are my new area...a bit tough to me cos d financial retailing is a very new module in PUO and i have to find my own sources of information...wish me luck for this new challenge!!

So...i stop here, and more hope i will post any news update in this blog!! daaa!!!